I am Stalker- But what if I’m a victim?

“I am Stalker” is a new Netflix documentary about convicted stalkers in the US who talk about their personal experiences. Whilst for some viewers it is an interesting watch about true crime, it is actually an awful reality for victims of stalking. Here, Weronika Husejko looks at how victims of stalking can protect themselves through the family court.

Stalking has a fairly wide definition and some examples of stalking under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 include: –

  • Following a person
  • Watching or spying on a person
  • Monitoring the use by a person of the internet or email

Stalking is generally considered to be a more aggressive type of harassment. However, it is not always easy to identify a victim of stalking. For example, stalking may include purchasing something in another person’s name without their consent.

The police say that the four warning signs of stalking are:-


If you are a victim of stalking, you may have recourse to some protective remedies via the Family Court.

Non-Molestation Orders

This is a type of injunction which is aimed at protecting you from a range of behaviours that can include stalking and harassment.

This option is available to those who are being stalked by what we refer to as an “associated person”. This includes people such as family members and ex-partners of the victim.


Injunction under Protection from Harassment Act 1976

Victims of stalking can also apply for an injunction under the Protection from Harassment Act. If granted this is a civil order from the Court which prohibits the stalker from taking steps which are considered to be stalking or harassment. The victim may also be able to seek damages from the Civil Court via this route.

This option is available  to all who are being stalked, including those victims who are being stalked by a stranger for example.

It is always sensible to speak to a solicitor about the most appropriate options for you in the first instance as this can of course vary dependent upon your specific set of circumstances.

The police can also apply for a Stalking Protection Order on your behalf which is a civil order. They may also refer your case to the Crown Prosecution Service who may decide to prosecute the stalker via the Criminal Courts in addition to the above Family Court remedies.

If you are indeed being stalked or harassed and you feel that you are in danger, we would always suggest that you contact the police. There is also a National Stalking Helpline that you can contact for help.

If you need advice on this topic, or any other matters concerning divorce or family law, please get in touch with our team at McAlister Family Law.

  • Weronika Husejko

    Trainee Solicitor