We were delighted to support Liz Cowell this week at the world famous Manchester Art Gallery, where she launched her wonderful book, A Practical Guide to Spousal Maintenance.
Her book provides the context as to why the Family Court in England and Wales approaches awards of maintenance in the way that it does. The law remains as set out in Section 25 (as amended in 1984) of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973. The book looks at why there have been so many apparently different approaches as to its implication since 1973. It includes a review the history of maintenance in this jurisdiction to give a context as to how we arrived at the current state of practice as set out in the 1973 Act.
Liz also discusses the significant changes in society since the first statute allowing the courts to award maintenance namely the Matrimonial Causes Act 1857, and there is a review of current judicial thinking and approach on this difficult aspect of the financial remedies available following the breakdown of marriage, with consideration being given to the international context of spousal maintenance.
Congratulations, Liz!