Career Development

Our people are our most important resource. We place huge focus on nurturing homegrown talent within the dynamic and sociable culture of the Group to produce well-rounded people and lawyers who will drive the future and greater success of the business.

We offer our people a challenging and engaging place to work by giving them responsibility from day one and encouraging them to take every opportunity to develop their skills and confidence. We have a very supportive cohort of senior lawyers who are generous with their time in support of developing talent at all levels.

We house our diverse personalities in an open plan office, and we firmly believe this creates a supportive and productive environment where our people are in the trenches together working hard, playing hard and learning constantly from their colleagues and friends.

Our people feel at home and comfortable to be themselves and bring their own unique style and set of skills to the job. This gives everyone the opportunity to find their niche and develop at their own pace.

We also provide formal training aimed at all levels, from internal sessions on the soft skills required to succeed to in-depth technical training on key areas of law and management training sessions for partners and line managers.

We foster an open culture of feedback through monthly check-ins between all fee earners and their line managers and annual appraisals to discuss progress and set future goals. There are clear paths to promotion and the processes in place foster open conversations around the key areas of development required to reach the next rung on the ladder.

The Group prides itself on being a meritocracy – if you can do the job, you can earn the title.

Careers at Beyond

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