Expert Divorce Lawyers

Specialist Divorce Team

Making the decision to end a marriage is one of the most difficult decisions that you will ever make.

Equally, being on the receiving end of a divorce petition can be daunting, upsetting, and confusing.

Whether you are looking for an amicable divorce, a quick divorce, or a fixed-fee divorce, the team at McAlister Family Law is here to help.

It May Be Your Divorce, But We’ll Get Through It Together

Every divorce case is different.

At our first meeting, we will take the time to understand your priorities and put in place a plan to move you out of what can appear to be an impenetrable fog. Brighter times will quickly start to become a reality, as opposed to an impossibility.

The McAlister Family Law team has a first-class reputation for fighting for fairness and delivering results for our clients.

Looking For a Quick Divorce? We Can Help

We very often see references in the media to celebrities obtaining a “quickie divorce”, but the divorce procedure in the UK is the same whether you are a celebrity or not. Divorce takes between six and seven months, depending on court timetables.

If you are anxious for your divorce to proceed quickly, then this should be highlighted at our first meeting so that we can take steps to ensure your case moves as fast as possible.

Amicable Divorce Advice

Since the introduction of the ‘no fault divorce’ regime in April 2022, there is no longer a requirement to place blame on one party for the marriage breakdown.

By taking the emotion out of the picture, the divorce becomes more procedural, and can usually be resolved amicably.

The team will guide you through the different stages of the process, and will work with you to ensure the divorce is finalised as smoothly as possible.

Contested Divorce Experts

There are now very limited circumstances in which you can challenge a ‘no fault’ divorce application.

You can only do so on the basis of jurisdiction (the court here does not have the power to resolve the divorce), validity (you were never legally married) or subsistence (you are already divorced).

The ability to contest is time-limited, so if you have received an application you dispute, you should contact a member of the team immediately. Our experts will be able to advise you on the steps you should take.

Fixed Fee Divorce Services

We offer fixed fees for all our divorce services. Whether you are the petitioner issuing the divorce or you are responding to a petition that has been presented to the court by your spouse, together we will agree to fixed fees for our services.

Our fees are highly competitive and have the advantage of allowing you to budget at what is a very distressing time.

International and Expat Divorce Specialists

We have an international law team that advises on cases with an international element.

We have represented clients from across the globe including France, America, Australia, and China.

Again, international divorce cases can be time-limited, so you must take immediate action and contact a divorce lawyer if contemplating a separation or divorce with an international element.

Get in Touch with Our Expert Lawyers in Divorce

If you’re unsure where to begin with your divorce proceedings, we can help. Our experts have years of experience in divorce so no matter what your situation is, our team is here to help.

To speak with one of our lawyers, call us on 0333 202 6433 or email us at